Scholarships, Discounts, and Assistance
through grants assistance awards for every training and event organized through us, including in-person and distance courses, individual consultations, and supervision. (See the note below about trainings organized/registered by other sponsors.*)
A Scholarship Fund exists to help offset workshop tuition for those in exceptional circumstances and those working with particularly needing populations who could not otherwise afford the work. It provides thousands of dollars of help every year. Your contributions are gratefully accepted by contacting us at matches all contributions by at least 2:1.
We offer several kinds of tuition assistance:
1. Payment Plans or financing can often be arranged in advance of your class. Some percentage of tuition is typically needed in advance to secure your spot in a training.
2. Work-study, the most common kind of assistance, is awarded to those in our Certification programs, or to those contributing significantly to their community or the field, but who could not otherwise afford a training. Work-study recipients help out in some small way with the training they're interested in, or with our programs in general. Past help has included phone calling, photography, sales table help, transcribing, promotion, record keeping, logistical support, web work, marketing, project management, etc. Work-study awards typically offer a 25-50% reduction in tuition.
3. In many trainings, full-time manual therapy or massage school faculty, veterans, advanced students, and seniors are eligible for discounts on a space-available basis. Work-study assistance may be part of this discount. These are typically discounts of 25-50%
4. Scholarship help is intended for those in exceptional life or professional circumstances, including those working with underserved populations. Scholarship amounts vary widely with circumstances, but typically, are in the range of a 25-50% reduction.
5. Foreign Currency discounts are offered to those living in countries where the exchange rate is a barrier to participation, and are available for distance courses and supervision.
6. In-Kind Volunteering and Community Service is for those who cannot afford the full cost of training, but who can offer time or skills to those who need them locally. As a guideline, one hour of community service typically provides a discount of $15-$20, up to a 50% reduction in tuition.
To apply for assistance, send us a short note answering the questions below (no more than 1 page please). When there are more qualified applicants than available assistance at class confirmation, awards are decided by lot.
A. What is your name, address, phone, and email?
B. Which training or event are you interested in (date and location)?
C. Which of the above assistance options you are applying for? If work-study, what help or skills you might be able to offer?
D. Who will benefit from your participation?
E. Briefly, describe your circumstances, need, and motivation.
Deadline; CE credit: Requests should be received by the training's discount registration deadline if possible; and in all cases, well in advanced of the class you are interested in. The course's certificate of completion and full CE credit are awarded when payment or any workstudy arrangement is complete.
*Note: Trainings not organized by Please note that we are not always able to offer assistance when another organization is in charge of registration. Many of our training sponsors offer their own assistance--please contact them directly about their assistance programs.
Questions or concerns? Contact Us