Live Course Information:
Suggested companion course: RIB Issues Part I
Series: Advanced Myofascial Techniques
Typical Credits Earned: 8
Approved for professional Continuing Education credit by NCBTMB, AMTA, ABMP, many state and provincial agencies, and for credit towards Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques (CAMT).
Looking for the DVD or online video course?
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
This course (the "Upright Ribcage" is also known as "Rib Issues Pt II") can be taken as a stand-alone course, or, as a follow up to Rib Issues Pt I.
Learn easily applied manual therapy techniques and assessments that will dramatically improve your ability to work with the ribs, rib cage, and related structures, such as the spine, intercostals, thoracic fascia, diaphragm and mediastinum. Increase your effectiveness for working with:
- rib and spinal pain,
- ligament and joint conditions,
- respiratory issues,
- surgery and injury recovery,
- neurovascular compression symptoms,
- movement limitations and postural issues,
- and more.
Suggested preparation: completion of our "Rib Issues Pt 1," "Spine, Ribs, & Low Back" or "Scoliosis" courses (via seminar or DVD) is suggested (though not required) preparation for this course. Order the videos/DVDs at a discount during your registration.
Each day typically provides 8 NCBTMB, ABMP, AMTA, IASI and State Board CEU's. Approved for Advanced Myofascial Certification (CAMT) credits. These workshops are also approved for CE/CME credits for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Certified Rolfers, and many other types of credit (check with your association or agency for any special conditions or type of credit earned). Click here for a summary of CE approvals. |
THE UPRIGHT RIBCAGE Ribs Part II (Live Course)
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
Before Your Course:
- Please make sure you're familiar with the terms on your course's anatomy review list. (If your course is not listed there, use the anatomy review list for any prerequisite course).
- You will receive a hardcopy of your Course(s)’ Notebook(s) at your class.
- If you would like to order a course video, DVD, or notebook to review in advance of your course (recommended!), go to our shop. (be aware that last-minute orders may not arrive before your workshop). Many of these items will also be available at your workshop.
What to Bring to Your Workshop:
- Printed directions and map to the course location. There may not be anyone able to answer your phone call for directions on the morning of the workshop.
- Loose, comfortable clothing; and shorts (and sports bra for women) that will allow direct access to all body regions relevant to your workshop (undergarments or swimwear are also fine);
- Snacks (availability of on-site refreshments varies by location);
- Your “COURSE RECORD” form if you’ve taken previous classes in this series;
- Your Course Notebook if you ordered one in advance, or if you are repeating the course.
- Some locations require participants to bring linens (sheets and towel for your own use) or a massage or treatment table. Your registration information will have this listed, or contact your event’s host for confirmation.
THE UPRIGHT RIBCAGE Ribs Part II (Live Course)
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
Click here for this course's Anatomy Review List
Typical Workshop Schedule, Part II:
8:45 AM Arrival and Sign-In
9:00 AM Workshop Session
12:30 PM (approximate): Lunch break, optional practice
2:00 PM (approximate): Workshop Session
4:30 PM (approximate): Part II Conclusion
(May vary by location or by part: check your event's registration page for confirmed start and end times for each part.)
Techniques List:
Rib Issues, Part II: |
LENGTH SEQUENCE Shoulder Girdle PROM II Shoulder/Ribcage Differentiation Bucket Handles II Xiphoid Release Costal Arch Breath Work: Anterior Costal Arch Breath Work: Posterior Sternum Points Sternum: Decompression II |
INTEGRATION SEQUENCE Upper Rib/Neck Release Upper Rib Release II: Side-Bending Posterior Scalenes, Upper Ribs Upper Ribs & Platysma: Seated Sternum: Seated Erectors: Seated Upper Ribs: Standing |
SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNIQUES (DVD) Costo-Vertebral Joints Breath Pump I Bucket Handles I Bucket Handles III: Rotation Bucket Handles IV: Seated Hairball Arms/Diaphragm Horizontal Release “Steering Wheel” Rib Release Over-the-Edge Upper Rib Release Serratus Anterior Superior: Seated |
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
Since 1985, over 6,000 professionals have trained in our live Advanced Myofascial Techniques seminars. They live in 51 US states and territories, in more than twenty countries, and on all seven continents. These classes are hands-on, state-of-the art, and filled with techniques practitioners can immediately put to use for addressing their patients’ and clients’ most common complaints. Our expert faculty has many decades’ experience in working with manual therapy practitioners (Physical Therapists and Physios, PTAs, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Rolfers and SI practitioners, Bodyworkers, Chiropractors, Movement Therapists, etc), of all levels and backgrounds.
The Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop series presents these practicing manual therapists and qualified students with advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Training topics include:
• Specific techniques for commonly encountered complaints
• Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results
• Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness
• Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers
• Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work
• Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels
Completion of the five Core workshops leads to an optional Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques.
The five Core Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Arm, Wrist & Shoulder
• Pelvis, Hip & Sacrum
• Leg, Knee & Foot
• Neck, Jaw, & Head
• Spine, Ribs, & Low Back
The Specialty Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Whiplash
• Headaches & Migraines
• Sciatica & Disc Issues
• Knee Issues
• Scoliosis
• Rib Issues
• Ankle Issues
• Ilia & SI Joints
• Myofascial Mastery
• Pain in Practice
Prerequisite: These courses are limited to trained practitioners and advanced students of hands-on body therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic practitioners). Students of these disciplines with at least 250 hours of hands-on training and/or instructor approval may also be accepted. Feel free to contact us directly about prerequisites or course content.
These workshops are approved for NCBTMB, AMTA, ABMP, IASI, State Board CEU’s, CE/CME credits for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Certified Rolfers, and many other types of credit (check with your agency for any special conditions or type of credit earned).