Tell-Your-Clients templates: announce your new skills!
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Workshops - Til LuchauSciatica getting you down? I’m back from a terrific Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop with Advanced-Trainings working with sciatic pain. Where’s yours coming from - spine or hip? Let’s find out and explore pain-relieving techniques together.
I implement a three part process:
1. "We will be away on X date for an Advanced Myofascial Techniques training. Please schedule accordingly," via email & social media.
2. I post live from the event each day on social media on the topic we're learning: pictures, quotes, ideas.
3. Then, I post via email and social media: “I'm back in the office from my recent workshop with Advanced-Trainings.”
Add an image of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques certificate and a few relevant points on the material covered.
Example: "Did you know how common scoliosis is in teens? Adults deal with it too. Learn about how I can help with effective Advanced Myofascial Techniques!"
Scoliosis doesn't mean you can't move your back! Check out the Advanced Myofascial Techniques I learned up from my latest training with Advanced-Trainings! #scoliosstucknomore #amazing #itmoves #advancedmyofascialtechniques #advancedtrainings
Headaches getting you down? I’m back from a recent Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop with Advanced-Trainings working with headaches & migraines. Looking for relief? Let’s find out and explore some techniques together.
I attended another great 3-day workshop by Til Luchau this weekend. This one was on Headaches, Migraines and Whiplash. I'm really looking forward to using some of the new techniques that I've learned! [Add shared class photo]