
[Principles] Missed Group Instructions

Principles: Spine '23:

Live attendance at (4) Small Groups and (1) Practice Period is required for credit. If you need to miss any of those meetings but want course credit, your make-up options include (must be completed by your course's documentation deadline, and an administrative or instructor fee may apply):

  • You can request access to a maximum of one Small Group or Practice Period meeting with a different cohort, if space is available (please allow 2 business days to process your request);
  • And/or, a maximum of one Small Group can be made up via a written or video assignment;
  • And/or, you can arrange for a private mentoring session with an instructor to go over the missed material.

If you don’t make it to the minimum three (4) Small Groups but want credit for your course, you can get credit for a maximum of one (1) missed Small Groups by completing all three of these steps, within 2 weeks of your missed group date:

STEP 1. Do one of these (your choice), for each Small Group missed:
• Write a 1-page (250 word) summary of key learning points and/or questions related to that sequence’s lecture or techniques. Include relevant references to specific time-codes in the lecture recording, or to specific techniques in the demonstration video. Or,
• Make a brief video illustrating a movement, stretch, self-care exercise, or dance move you invent, based on this sequence or its techniques. Or,
• Write a 1-page (250 word) summary describing your learning while practicing that sequence’s techniques with a partner or client. Include specific observations, client feedback, and learning points. Or,
• Participate in one of your course’s Virtual Practice Periods, and apply its credit towards your Small Group requirement (rather than to Certification etc.) by writing a brief (50 word) summary of key learning points. Or,
• Email us to propose a different way to get credit the missed group. Criteria: 1 or more hours of effort; should deepen your learning and understanding of the lecture’s material.

STEP 2. Which ever option you choose in Step 1, share your writing or video with one of:
• Your study pod members, or,
• The course’s Facebook forum, or,
• A course intern, if available.
Ask for their specific feedback about your submission being roughly equivalent in scope to the learning potential of a 1hr Study Group meeting, and revise if necessary.

STEP 3. Once you have approval from your pod, a majority of forum comments, or intern, fill in the “Missed Group” section of your sequence’s Documentation lesson.

Note: It is your responsibility to complete all required steps within the specified deadline. If you don’t complete your makeup work on time, or miss more than the allowed number of groups, your credit status will need to be recorded as “Incomplete” for this course and no certificate or credits can be issued, in accordance with our CE approvals’ retirements.

Questions? Email us at info@advanced-trainings.com


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