Go to the Next Level of Advanced Myofascial Techniques!
The CAMT Level II certification builds on the skills and benefits of CAMT I. CAMT II benefits include in-depth personalized supervision and mentoring, approval to give for-credit AMT sessions, workshop “Table Assistant” eligibility, product discounts, and more.
Designed for practicing manual therapy professionals and advanced students, the Advanced Myofascial Techniques Certification Program allows you to earn a credential that will set you apart from other practitioners in the eyes of clients, referral sources, clinics, employers, and schools.
Credit for past trainings and work is available for both CAMT I and II, and enrollment in the Certification Program makes you eligible for discounted tuition on many of our trainings and groups. Your savings and increased earning power will pay for your investment many times over.
• Prerequisite: CAMT I enrollment is required before enrolling in CAMT II (though you need not complete CAMT I before enrolling in CAMT II). You may earn requirements for both I and II concurrently (though credit for each course or requirement applies either to I or, II, not to both).
NOTE: A CAMT discount on courses and sessions will apply once you’re enrolled in CAMT I or II, but separate registration for each course or component is required (ie, tuition and session fees are not included in this CAMT enrollment fee).
Click Details tab for more.
The five Core 2-Day AMT workshops:
- Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder
- Pelvis, Hip, & Sacrum
- Leg, Knee & Foot
- Neck, Jaw & Head
- Spine, Ribs, & Low Back
Workshops may be taken in any order.
AMT Specialty Workshops include:
- Scoliosis (2-day) • Whiplash (2-day)
- TMJ • Sciatica
- Headaches • Adv. Knee
- Myofascial Essentials • Adv. Ilia
- Adv. Ankle • Rib Issues
- …and others
Most Specialty Workshops are 1-day. Four days are required for CAMT I (+ 2 additional days for CAMT II).
Certification Options Compared
Benefits |
Benefits |
Benefits |
Comprehensive Learning, Unparalleled Professional Development |
In class |
In class, plus 1-on-1 |
Increased Earning Power |
√ |
√√ |
Tuition Discounts |
√ |
√ |
Sessions, Supervision, & Mentoring Discounts |
√ |
√ |
Complimentary CE Credits: NCBTMB, State, etc.1 |
√ |
√√ |
Online Directory Listing |
√ |
Enhanced |
NCBTMB Cert. Type |
Cert. of Completion |
Cert. of Achievement |
DVD & Product Discounts |
– |
√ |
Approval as an AMT “For-Credit” Session Provider |
– |
√ |
Workshop “Table Assistant” Eligibility2 |
– |
√ |
Requirements and Electives |
Elective credits |
CAMT I Requirements |
CAMT II Requirements |
Core Requirement |
(required) |
Five Principle AMT Workshops |
CAMT I Certification |
Specialty Workshop days |
(required) |
4 days |
2 days |
Receiving AMT “For-Credit” Session(s) |
(required) |
2 sessions |
1 session |
AMT Study Guides (1 credit/hour) |
(required) |
2 credits |
4 credits |
Practice Log (25 AMT sessions) |
2 credits/log |
(elective) |
1 log |
Practice-Enhancement Assessment |
4 credits |
(elective) |
1 (included in fee) |
Individualized Advising or Coaching Sessions |
2 credits ea. |
(elective) |
2 (included in fee) |
Client Supervision Session(s) |
2 credits ea. |
(elective) |
2 (minimum) |
Hands-On Mentoring Session |
2 credits ea. |
(elective) |
1 (minimum) |
Shadowing Instructors’ sessions |
2 credits ea. |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Additional AMT, Coaching, or Supervision Session(s) |
2 credits ea. |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Additional Specialty Workshops |
8 credits/day |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Repeat any workshop (half-price, half-credit) |
4 credits/day |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Study/Review/Supervision Groups |
(varies) |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Custom-designed individual study, internship, writing, service, or research projects. |
(varies) |
(elective) |
(elective) |
Credit for Workshop “Table Assisting”2 |
4 credits/day |
– |
(elective) |
Elective credits needed for Certification:
In addition to min. requirements (in red), choose from the options above in any combination.3 |
14 Elective credits |
14 Elective credits |
Certification Program Application Fee(per level) |
$395 |
$395 |
Elective Options
Elective credit does not expire, and can be used for either CAMT I or CAMT II credit, no matter when it was earned.
- Receiving AMT “For-Credit” Sessions: Learn by experiencing the work–come as a client to an Instructor, approved Assistant, or CAMT II practitioner for AMT work. A-T Instructors give a discount to all CAMT I and CAMT II enrollees. If approved AMT providers are not available in your area, you may request credit for receiving a related modality from a local practitioner.4
- Practice Log: document a min. of 25 AMT sessions, using the log form available on the CAMT site.
- Practice Enhancement Assessment: clients, peers, and mentors selected by you complete a private poll, evaluating key aspects of your work and practice. We present you with an anonymous summary, and help you apply the invaluable learning gained. (Elective for CAMT I; included in CAMT II fee.)
- Advising: Meet in-person or by phone with the faculty advisor of your choice, who will help you clarify and design the learning focus of your Certification program. (Elective for CAMT I; two 30-min. sessions are included in CAMT II fee.)
- Professional Coaching: Get help setting a professional course for yourself, taking action, and staying on track. Topics may include practice building, professional development, career direction, client or ethical issues, burnout and inspiration, wellness and lifestyle support, team leadership or clinic management, etc. In-person or by telephone.
- Client Supervision: Bring a client, friend, or colleague and work on them together with your Instructor. Receive specific supervision on assessment, body reading, strategizing, body use, technique, session design, etc. Optionally, come with another practitioner for paired supervision (2 practitioner, 2 clients) to learn from someone else’s analysis (and to reduce costs).
- Hands-On Mentoring: Personalized, real-time one-on-one instruction in hands-on skills. May include working on and/or receiving work from your Instructor for individualized specifics on technique, palpatory accuracy, effectiveness, and more.
- Shadow (Audit) an Instructor’s Session: Observe your Instructor working with a student or client, and afterwards discuss and reflect on what was learned. Auditing a session is a great way to learn client skills, assessment, strategizing, pacing, session design, etc.
- Study/Review/Supervision Groups: We encourage local or virtual study groups, whether formal or informal. Contact us for ideas and to be put in touch with other practitioners.
- Custom-designed individual study, internship, writing, service, or research projects. Learn in your own way—the possibilities are endless. Examples include: video supervision, service or research projects, writing for publication, internships with A-T, etc. Credit is assessed and arranged case-by-case, based on the learning, contribution, and time involved; a review fee applies. Contact us to discuss your ideas for an Individual Project.
2 Separate application and training is required for “Table Assistant” approval.
3 Electives must be with approved providers and be documented via CAMT forms for credit. All electives and sessions have a fee associated with them, unless described as “included”.
Special Discounts for Certification Participants
Tuition Discounts
- CAMT and CAMT II participants receive discounted tuition on the Advanced Myofascial Techniques series and on virtually every other course from
- Repeat Part I of a workshop for free when you sign up for Part II.
- Repeat Part I or II of any workshop for 50%. Your third time is free.
Sessions, Supervision, Coaching, & Mentoring Discounts from the A-T faculty: A-T Instructors give a 10% discount to all CAMT I and CAMT II enrollees on individual sessions.
CE Credit Discounts: Free NCBTMB and other CE Credit for many electives is included in your application fee (usual fee: $12-$29 per credit).
Product Discounts: CAMT II enrollees are eligible for a 10% discount at the Store, including DVDs, Study Guides, Distance Courses, and more. Applies to most products.
NOTE: Tuition discounts vary by country and sponsor, but in the USA the typical discount is approximately $12.50 for each day of training (e.g. approx. $37.50 for a 3-day course). Tuition discounts are provided by, not by workshop sponsors. These savings are available for most but not all courses—confirm before registering. Your program tuition and fees must be paid in full to be eligible for discounts. Discounts are subject to change.
Investment & Fees
Your savings and increased earning power will pay for your investment many times over.
- Certification Program Application Fee (per level)……………………………………………………………………………..$395
- Discounted Workshop Tuition……………………………………………………………………………………(varies by location)
- Sessions & Supervision (pd. to practitioner)…………………………………………………………………$70-$130/session
- Study Guides and other electives…………………………………………………………………………………..$12 – $20/credit
Costs are estimates, and vary by location, practitioner, and type.
Other fees
- Lost or Re-issue Certificate; separate Certificates for electives; Transcript………………………………………….$15
- Optional Individual Project review fee……………………………………………………………………………………………..$90
- Admin fee for Receiving Sessions from a non-AMT practitioner (per session)…………………………………… $15
- Expired Certification reinstatement (details below)…………………………………………………………………………….$50
Continuing Education Credits and its Certification Program in Advanced Myofascial Techniques are approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as an Approved Cont. Ed. Provider. ABMP, AMTA, AMT, AAMT, IASI, Rolf Institute®, State, and other CEU’s also available.
Renewal, & Deadlines
- Renewal: There are no renewal fees apart from the elective options chosen.
- Renewal is automatic when you do the following every 4 years:
– CAMT I: Earn 14 elective credits, plus receive 2 AMT sessions. (Once CAMT II certified, Level I renewal is no longer required.)
– CAMT II: Earn 7 elective credits, plus receive 1 AMT session, plus 1 supervision or mentoring session.
- Completion Period: There is no deadline for completion once you are accepted into the Certification Program. However, the requirements in effect at time of program completion will apply.
- Extension: one automatic extension of up to 6 months beyond your Certification’s expiration date is available by registering for and completing the required number of CAMT elective credits (14 for CAMT I; 7 for CAMT II) with a start date within 6 months of your Certification’s expiration. (Registration must be paid in full before your Certification’s expiration date to be eligible for any CAMT tution discounts.)
- Reinstatement of expired Certification (if not extended prior to expiration) requires:
- Seven (7) additional CAMT credits for each year elapsed beyond expiration;
- And, a $50 admin fee (plus normal cost of any CE credit needed for renewal). Trainings taken after expiration are NOT eligible for Certification discounts.
– CAMT I Reinstatement within first year after expiration: $50, 14 CAMT credits (the normal requirement for renewal);
– Reinstatement within 2 years after expiration: $50, 28 CAMT elective credits;
– Reinstatement within 3 years after expiration: $50, 36 CAMT elective credits, etc.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the full terms and conditions are listed on the Privacy and Terms page before registering.
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
…with Til Luchau and the faculty
Since 1985, over 6,000 professionals have trained in our live Advanced Myofascial Techniques seminars. They live in 51 US states and territories, in more than twenty countries, and on all seven continents. These classes are hands-on, state-of-the art, and filled with techniques practitioners can immediately put to use for addressing their patients’ and clients’ most common complaints. Our expert faculty has many decades’ experience in working with manual therapy practitioners (Physical Therapists and Physios, PTAs, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Rolfers and SI practitioners, Bodyworkers, Chiropractors, Movement Therapists, etc), of all levels and backgrounds.
The Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop series presents these practicing manual therapists and qualified students with advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Training topics include:
• Specific techniques for commonly encountered complaints
• Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results
• Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness
• Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers
• Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work
• Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels
Completion of the five Core workshops leads to an optional Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques.
The five Core Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Arm, Wrist & Shoulder
• Pelvis, Hip & Sacrum
• Leg, Knee & Foot
• Neck, Jaw, & Head
• Spine, Ribs, & Low Back
The Specialty Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Whiplash
• Headaches & Migraines
• Sciatica & Disc Issues
• Knee Issues
• Scoliosis
• Rib Issues
• Ankle Issues
• Ilia & SI Joints
• Myofascial Mastery
• Pain in Practice
Prerequisite: These courses are limited to trained practitioners and advanced students of hands-on body therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic practitioners). Students of these disciplines with at least 250 hours of hands-on training and/or instructor approval may also be accepted. Feel free to contact us directly about prerequisites or course content.
These workshops are approved for NCBTMB, AMTA, ABMP, IASI, State Board CEU’s, CE/CME credits for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Certified Rolfers, and many other types of credit (check with your agency for any special conditions or type of credit earned).
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