Gain invaluable insights, not obtainable in any other way, that will help you deepen your professional excellence.
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
• What do clients, peers, and mentors most value about your work, and what suggestions would they make?
• What changes would most enhance your effectiveness, build your practice, and increase your personal fulfillment?
Gain invaluable insights, not obtainable in any other way, that will help you deepen your professional excellence.
Clients, peers, mentors, and others selected by you complete a private poll evaluating key aspects of your work and practice. We present you with a 360° summary including graphs, ratings, and text, embedded in a self-coaching process to help you apply the invaluable learning gained.
Feedback areas include:
- Effectiveness and results
- Quality of touch
- Manner, communication, and professionalism
- Location, logistics, and administration
- Fees and pricing
- Willingness to recommend
- Referral sources
- ...and more.
Your invitees complete a 10-20 minute copyrighted poll via our secure online system. An "offline option" adds a printable survey to give your respondents without internet. These respondent(s) then mail in their responses directly to us. (This option may add 1-2 weeks to overall processing time.)
We recommend you invite at least:
- 6-20 Active Clients (or more; no limit.)
- 6 or more Inactive Clients
- 4 Colleagues or Peers
- 4 Teachers, Mentors, Employers, or Supervisors
Detailed instructions are sent upon registration. Allow 6-8 weeks from start to finish. We recommend reviewing your completed Assessment with your Faculty Advisor, mentor, or coach of your choice, though the self-guided process is designed to be a powerful learning tool even when done on one's own.
CE Credit: A Certificate of Achievement is awarded upon completion.
- 4 NCBTMB credits
- 4 elective credits towards Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques (CAMT I)
- Required for CAMT II (and included in CAMT II fee)
Enrolled in CAMT Level II? Be sure to enter your special discount code at checkout.
Questions? Email or call us now.
Advanced Myofascial Techniques Series
...with Til Luchau and the faculty
Since 1985, over 6,000 professionals have trained in our live Advanced Myofascial Techniques seminars. They live in 51 US states and territories, in more than twenty countries, and on all seven continents. These classes are hands-on, state-of-the art, and filled with techniques practitioners can immediately put to use for addressing their patients’ and clients’ most common complaints. Our expert faculty has many decades’ experience in working with manual therapy practitioners (Physical Therapists and Physios, PTAs, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Rolfers and SI practitioners, Bodyworkers, Chiropractors, Movement Therapists, etc), of all levels and backgrounds.
The Advanced Myofascial Techniques workshop series presents these practicing manual therapists and qualified students with advanced and little-known myofascial techniques which can be easily incorporated into existing personal styles. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, the focus is on unusual, interesting, and fresh approaches that will both expand technique repertoire and inspire creativity and innovation. Training topics include:
• Specific techniques for commonly encountered complaints
• Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results
• Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness
• Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers
• Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work
• Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at very deep levels
Completion of the five Core workshops leads to an optional Certification in Advanced Myofascial Techniques.
The five Core Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Arm, Wrist & Shoulder
• Pelvis, Hip & Sacrum
• Leg, Knee & Foot
• Neck, Jaw, & Head
• Spine, Ribs, & Low Back
The Specialty Advanced Myofascial Techniques courses include:
• Whiplash
• Headaches & Migraines
• Sciatica & Disc Issues
• Knee Issues
• Scoliosis
• Rib Issues
• Ankle Issues
• Ilia & SI Joints
• Myofascial Mastery
• Pain in Practice
Prerequisite: These courses are limited to trained practitioners and advanced students of hands-on body therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic practitioners). Students of these disciplines with at least 250 hours of hands-on training and/or instructor approval may also be accepted. Feel free to contact us directly about prerequisites or course content.
These workshops are approved for NCBTMB, AMTA, ABMP, IASI, State Board CEU’s, CE/CME credits for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Certified Rolfers, and many other types of credit (check with your agency for any special conditions or type of credit earned).
Click here for upcoming live courses:
Want a course in your area? Sponsorship inquiries invited.
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